Wednesday, August 3, 2011

When times are tough

It was always going to happen . . . I've got a Brisbane hangover.

"Brisbane's weather is better . . . people dress so well in Brisbane . . . so many more lunch options in Brisbane . . . the pubs are better in Brisbane . . . Brisbane Brisbane Brisbane!"

Had such a fabulous weekend away I couldn't possibly muster up any energy to leave my couch and venture to the shops last night (that and the fact I spent far too much on pretty handbags, dresses and jackets over the weekend!)

So I turned to the freezer and found a pork chop.

Wow. Inspired? Not.

Managed to get my hands on a potato in the pantry and managed to turn what could have been a bland dinner into a masterpiece (if I do say so myself!)

Hoisin, ginger and garlic pork with rosemary chips.

(No Mum, there were no veggies!)

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