Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Today . . .

. . . I miss London. It's all I can think about. Another dear friend is heading off soon and I'm green with envy. I ache with jealousy!

Masterchef is to blame for this bout of homesickness - although you can't really call it homesickness when you are actually at home and want to send yourself to the other side of the world, miles from friends and family. It's more London-sickness. Or Portabello Pains. What about Marble Arch Migraine? It could even be Fulham Flu or Chelsea Cough or Notting Hill Nausea.

Whatever it is, I'm sick for the place, I know that much!

Pic from here

1 comment:

Leanne Griffiths said...

Go back!! I only visited there for a few weeks and yet masterchef has done it to me too - I find myself ohhing and ahhing about all the places that I can say "I've been there!" to! Don't know if I could live there, I think I'm too used to the Darwin heat these days, but oh my it's a magnificent place that I can't wait to revisit x