Sunday, May 9, 2010

27 years on . . .

What a couple of weeks it's been!

Let's go back to the start - since I last touched base, I have started a new job (which I LOVE!), celebrated my mum's birthday, turned 27 myself, helped host a farewell brunch for Darwin-bound Bree, shopped for a bridesmaid frock, lost a housemate, moved into a housesitting house, become obsessed with Foxtel IQ, indulged a tad too much at Ladies Day and bought the most gorgeous Liza Emanuele scarf EVER!

You'll have to excuse me for my lack of interest online - no, I shouldn't call it that. I haven't lost interest at all - more lost too many hours!

I have some great pics to share with you soon - especially of our gorgeous yellow and pink themed brunch for Miss Bree. The macaroons from 'From Scratch' were a hit and the perfect finish to a perfect day.

Happy mothers day to all!

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